Results of testing with ES wave files using the pre-trained models of the 4 experiments

Experiment 1: Original ES test wave file DCUNET DCUNET-cTSTM
Experiment 2: Original ES test wave file DCUNET DCUNET-cTSTM
Experiment 3: Original ES test wave file DCUNET DCUNET-cTSTM
Experiment 4: Original ES test wave file DCUNET DCUNET-cTSTM

Results of testing with VF wave files using the pre-trained models of the 4 experiments

Experiment 1: VF test wave file DCUNET DCUNET-cTSTM
Experiment 2: VF test wave file DCUNET DCUNET-cTSTM
Experiment 3: VF test wave file DCUNET DCUNET-cTSTM
Experiment 4: VF test wave file DCUNET DCUNET-cTSTM